21 Days of Exercise

Veada Pauls and me, walking up an Arizona mountain trail

21 days of exercise was, of course, about exercise. However, it was also about me showing myself  how to work towards changing one thing. I wanted to change my body shape and the health status of my temple, but there were other things that I also had to pull together. First and foremost was my thinking and my mindset. Working out can be 45 minutes of an intense aerobic session, which can be pretty draining, or, it can be 10-15 minutes of light weights and stretches. I think that I lost my way. I imagined that if I were not breathless and dripping with sweat, I didn’t really get a good session in. But in the course of altering my thinking, I decided that I just needed to concentrate on a short period of consistent movement. I am no fitness expert, but I have done a little research and I have read my share of online articles and health journals. So, my idea of the minimum that I would do was quite simple.

  1. Put on my gear and the right shoes
  2. Warm-up for 7 minutes
  3. Do some kind of movement for at least 10  minutes
  4. Cool down for 7 minutes
  5. Do my post workout stretches
  6. Do this every day, for 21 days
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I do realize that the professionals recommend that we add a day of rest in there somewhere. I also know that some say that if you do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit. Now I’m not sure how our parents did it when we were toddlers, but I have never forgotten to brush my teeth or shower or bathe. Maybe this theory about habits has some merit. I set myself up to find out. 

Fast forward….

After 21 days of doing some kind of activity that I considered a workout, I must say that I came in contact with some newer concepts. Have I tried to make healthy activity a regular thing in my life before? Yes! Was I consistent? Well, maybe a little.  But as with anything, in order for something to become a part of our lifestyles, we have to do it long enough for it to stick. There must be visible results that clearly change our trajectories. I think that we are never too old to try something again, even if it is for the 10th time. This is what I walked away with: (no pun intended)

  • Once I reach an expected goal, I should keep moving forward, push further and see what else I can accomplish.
  • Anything that I can do to get some movement in, can be considered exercise, especially if it is not my usual activity.
  • I am stronger than I think I am.
  • It is never too late to chase a dream.
  • I can do anything that I decide that I want to do, once I make up my mind that I want to accomplish that thing.
  • Things are harder to do when you are on the outside looking in. Once you get on the path and start doing them, they become a more realistic thing that actually gets easier and easier to do.

*To read the entire account of each day of my 21 days of workouts and to see my updates, click here.

What is your workout story? Share some of your experiences in the comments below!

Photo by JESHOOTS.com on Pexels.com


  1. This is awesome! I’m proud of you for taking the first step and continuing the journey. Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks La V! I’m so glad that I at least have some people, like you, that I could look to for support and ask questions of!!


  2. I’ve been walking each day around my neighborhood for at least 1 mile or 30 minutes. I ventured out on a day when was a little misty outside but I do feel good when I try to walk and my muscles are toning. I’ve also been trying to make better food choices but I can’t stay away from my 2-3 cookies per day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL Butler! We all have that one thing that we are gonna eat. Mine is some kind of cake or pie… a couple of times per week. But it is so good that you are getting out. There are so many benefits there like the fresh air, sometimes sunshine and all of the toning. It really does make you feel good!


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